Co Antoinne HABIMANA
Apart from being a committed secretary of Rwanda Medical Clinical Officers’ Organization (RMCOO), he’s also the Secretary of the board of Clinical Officers to the Rwanda Allied Health Professional Council (RAHPC). Mr. Antoine is a licensed Clinical Officer holding a bachelor’s degree in Clinical Medicine and Community Health that he attained from the University of Rwanda in 2016. He has been a health center manager of Musambira health center for more than five years now. He is presently a member of Community Based Health Insurance Benefits Package Committee nominated by Hon. Minister of Health to represent heads of health centers in the committee at national level. Mr. Antoine worked in the clinical setting of Rwanda health care system for 10 years namely at the district and provincial hospitals levels. In addition, he attended a variety of trainings in HIV/AIDS, IMCI, Family planning, NCDs, Malaria treatment, Infection Prevention and Control (IPC), COVID-19, Nutrition, Planning & Budgeting, Public Finance Management (PFM).
Contact him for:
RMCOO matters:
Personal matters:
Tel: +250788829927